
Showing posts from November, 2020

Lets Talk About Eggs (Part 2)

  Let’s take a look at what can affect the quality of your hen’s eggs: Mycoplasma ( gallisepticm) Effect on eggs : May cause lash eggs Pimples or little calcification on the outside of the shell, as well as eggs shells with a rigid or leathery texture can be indicative of Mycoplasma. Signs of pimples on the egg, the egg is also lighter in colour. Pimples are visible all over the egg. Drop in production: Keep a close eye on your hen's production numbers. If production drops off suddenly or significantly, it could be warning signs of : Influenza Newcastle Mycoplasma EDS ( Egg Drop Syndrome)   Egg Quality: Soft-shelled egg: Has a thin layer of shell around the yolk and egg whites. The feel of the egg is often leathery and pliable. A softshell can be handled without breaking it, as they can still be quite durable. Contributing factors to this condition may be – Exposure to high heat/humidity ( temperatures higher than 85-90 degrees F), parasites, ...

Lets Talk About Eggs (Part 1)

All about Eggs How to choose the right laying hens for yourself and your needs: First of all, if you are looking for hens that are known for being good layers, it is best to do your research. You will not want hens that tend to go broody as they will not be laying eggs during their broody stage. Hybrids such as Golden Comets don’t go broody, as they have been bred to be prolific egg layers. Try to choose breeds that don’t go broody very often.   Also, keep in mind that some breeds are very friendly and docile, so they will not fare well with the more dominant type breeds. Make sure your hens have access to free-range or have a run large enough to accommodate their needs. Some good laying breeds: Rhode Island Red – approximately 260 eggs per year. White Leghorn – approximately 280 eggs per year. Golden Comet – between 250-300 eggs per year. Ameraucana- approximately 250 eggs per year. Golden laced Wyandottes- approximately 200 eggs per year. Barred Plymouth...